Practice and games are held on Saturday mornings starting at 9:00am. Our program allows for families to register and join us with a weekly subscription of $25.
This flexibility will allow for participants and families to try our sports program without having to commit long term financial as you can join & cancel at anytime.
We have two locations in Kissimmee for you to join us.
Archie Gordon Memorial Park
Oren Brown Community Park
The athletes warm up and practice for the first half and the game follows directly after training.
Athletes are grouped by age and the earliest practice begins at 9am.

We at AAYSports consider our coaches one of our most valuable assets, as if it weren't for them- we couldn't do what we do!
Our coaches consist of volunteer parents who not only have the chance to interact with their own children on the field, but get to help shape and influence other young athletes to develop and grow as they learn their new skills!

Registration is all done online for your convenience.
You will fill out our short registration form.
Once you complete the registration form you will be directed to our make payment page!